Founded in 1970, AWWA Family Service Centre (FSC) is a community-based agency that assists and supports individuals and families in need.

Our primary focus in serving vulnerable and low-income individuals and families is to help them achieve independence, stability and resiliency. We work with our clients to enable them to gain self-management skills, become resilient individuals, complete their education, sustain employment and contribute meaningfully back to their families and community.

Key activities include:

  • Information and Referral Service – Links individuals and families with appropriate help agencies and resources in the community, and takes on cases that can be supported by FSC through its Casework and Counselling service.
  • Casework and Counselling – Individual/family consultations with social work practitioners on pragmatic, systemic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, social and emotional challenges in life.

  • Group work – Bringing together a group of clients with similar challenges, needs and concerns to form a supportive community and impart coping skills in dealing with challenges.
  • Community Work – Identify needs on the ground through community surveys, and outreach activities and events to increase the community’s knowledge on community resources and reach out to the vulnerable population group.

AWWA's Family Empowerment Programme (FEP)


The FEP is Singapore’s first randomised control trial on unconditional cash transfers, which aimed to empower lower-income families with the mental bandwidth and financial flexibility to plan for and pursue their medium-to long-term goals.


Family Service Centre

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