AWWA has a Conflict of Interest Policy and operating procedures in place to avoid and manage situations with actual or perceived conflicts of interest. The Policy is read and acknowledged by Members of the Board, Board Committees, staff upon appointment and annually thereafter during the term of office, and volunteers upon registration. In the event a conflict of interest situation arises, full disclosure must be made and the interested member must abstain from any discussion and voting on the matter.

In order to avoid any conflict of interest or any conflict in roles, staff are not allowed to be members of the Board of AWWA and Board Committees. In addition, members of the Board of AWWA and Board Committees are not paid for their services.

No paid staff is a close member of the family of the CEO, Board of AWWA, Board Committees, and other Committees.

Please click here to view AWWA Conflict of Interest Policy.

Should you have any questions, please get in touch with us at

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